Friday, July 20, 2018

Weather never cooperates

I'm sitting here in the Menomonie Marina getting ready to leave for the North Channel. As you can see from the picture, I don't have my mainsail up or my Genoa because it is too windy and of course the wind is out of the NE in the direction that I want to go. I have been busy provisioning because for the next month, I am going to be in some very remote places where there are no stores. Think beans and rice with an onion for flavor......... Actually it is not that bad. There is a place up there called Little Current that has a sizeable grocery store.

The locals here have all been complaining about the cold summer they have been having. The high temperature this afternoon was to me a very nice 73 degrees with the lake at 63 almost warm enough to swim in.

People are very friendly. Tonight, a couple on another boat came by and we started talking. They invited me to dinner at the local Legion adjacent to the marina and told me all about the area and all the things going on here so I have a busy day scheduled for tomorrow.

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